Spinney Hill Park is an inner city, late-Victorian park to the south-east of the city centre. The park is well-used, not only for play, sports, and games, but also for walking, socialising, general recreation and as an access route. Regular cultural events are held in the park including a funfair and festivals. There is an active park users' group.
Spinney Hill Park is an inner city, late Victorian park to the south-east of the centre, surrounded by densely packed terraced housing with a diverse population. Essentially the park retains its informal Victorian layout. Hedges and bow top iron fencing encircle the perimeter. There are nine access points, of which two retain large ornamental wrought iron carriage gates and piers.
The site slopes steeply down some twenty metres from the west to east. From the higher western side of the park, which is 83.3 metres above sea level, there are good views towards Rowlatts Hill and Evington. Evington Brook flows through the flatter eastern side of the park entering under a sandstone and granite bridge.
There are many mature trees, some pre-dating the park. Some trees are grouped in spinneys, others line the winding tarmac paths and brook. There are shrubberies to the north of the site.
The sport and play facilities include two children's play areas, a bowling green, football and cricket pitches, and multi-sports courts. Buildings include a park lodge, bowling pavilion, central changing/sports pavilion and drinking fountain (disused), and, just outside the park perimeter a toilet block. There are interpretation boards, seating, litter bins and dog bins.
The park is well-used not only for play, sports, and games, but also for walking, socialising, general recreation and as an access route. Regular cultural events are held in the park including a funfair and festivals. There is an active park users' group. In the north-west there is an adventure playground on park land leased to a charity. To the north-east is a police station and its car park on park land leased to the police.
- Visitor Access, Directions & Contacts
Access contact details
This is a municipal site for general public use.
The park is 3 kilometres south-east of Leicester city centre. There are entrances on all surrounding streets: Mere Road, St Saviours Road, East Park Road and Park Vale Road. Buses from the city centre and railway station serve East Park Road. Contact Traveline Tel. 08706082608. The park is twenty minutes walk from the railway station.
Leicester City Council
New Walk Centre, Welford Place, LE1 6ZG
- History
On 17th March 1885 the town corporation Sanitary Committee reported that they sought land for a new recreation ground. They were concerned about the inadequacy of public open space to the east of the town where building development was rapidly proceeding. Moreover, the nearby Spinney Hills Recreation Ground, to the east of Hartington Road, was of inadequate size and the tenancy insecure.
The site chosen was grazing land subdivided into fields with spinneys of trees alongside Mere Road and also alongside what was later to become Park Vale Road (O/S maps xxx1.11 & xxx1.15, 1885, 25" to 1 mile). The land belonged to the Spinney Hills Estate and was owned by C.S. Burnaby Esq. (Supplement, 1886). By 30 March 1886 the committee had purchased the grazing land (Supplement, 1886). Conditions attached to the purchase required that no land be sold for fifteen years and that the land should never be turned into building plots or worked for minerals. The £18,000 purchase price was substantially less than the £36,000 asked for the recreation ground land (Supplement 1886; Storey, 1895, 129-130; Wilshere, 1986, 2).
Mr John Burn laid out the park in 1886 with 'natural' style planting. He retained existing trees and created a woodland walk, winding paths and a carriage drive from Mere Road. He straightened the Evington or Willow Brook to create a more gentle curve and created small rocky weirs and cascades. He built two bridges which were linked by an oval gravel walk (Leicester Advertiser, 1886). He included a bandstand, 'gymnasia', wrought iron swings, seesaws, 'giant strides', parallel bars, horizontal ladders, plus an area for cricket. Mr J. Jordan, the Borough Surveyor, dealt with the sewerage, drainage, pathways and fencing for the new park. Amongst items acquired for the opening were many shrubs and trees from Cropston Waterworks and Abbey Park (Wilshere, 1986, 2-3).
The mayor's wife, Mrs Israel Hart, officially opened the park at 1pm on Tuesday 24 August 1886, although the park was not fully complete (Supplement 1886). There were a number of speeches followed by a presentation by the Chair of the Sanitary Committee, Thomas Windley. Four hundred guests attended a luncheon at 2pm. Surrounding streets were hung with flags, bells were rung from St Saviours church, bands played and there were fireworks in the evening (Wilshere, 1986, 3).
The polished granite fountain was erected in April 1887, gifted by Councillor Samuel Mather, a local marketplace pork and cheese merchant (Wilshere, 1986, 5).
In 1888 a Refreshment Pavilion and Park Keeper's Lodge were constructed to the designs of Leicester architect, Stockdale Harrison, at a cost of £609 19s and £319 18s 9d respectively (Wilshere, 1986, 5). A sandstone and granite bridge was also built (Leicester City Council, 2004, 9).
In 1892 the corporation gave up a 15 foot wide strip of the southern boundary of the park for the construction of Park Vale Road. House building was undertaken in surrounding streets between 1890 and the 1920s, the houses facing the park being larger and with small front gardens (Wilshere, 1986, 3). During 1894-5 a Bowling Pavilion was constructed (Wilshere, 1986, 5). The Spinney Hill Bowling Club had been founded in 1892.
In 1914 and 1923 respectively the bandstand and the bowling green pavilion were replaced. Maps of 1930 show a new shelter towards the top of the park. Between 1938 and 1939 a sports pavilion was built (Wilshere, 1986, 5). During the 20th century East Midlands Electricity Board constructed three electricity sub stations.
In 1954, owing to the flooding of the bowling green after heavy rain, its turf banks were rebuilt and water coming down the hillside was diverted and drained (Wilshere, 1986, 7). The Ordnance Survey map of 1955 shows a new shelter in the centre towards the lower end of the park and three sets of tennis courts between the lodge and the bowling green.
In 1956 for the first time the park was the venue for the Louie Knight Cup. This cricket cup was presented by the head gardener. Spinney Hill Park was the only city park to have a putting green until 1965, but by the 1970s this was converted to crazy golf (Wilshere, 1986,6).
There are records from 1955 of the park suffering vandalism. Increased hedging was introduced alongside the stream to deter after-hours intruders and in 1958 the original refreshment pavilion (by then disused) was fenced to prevent wilful damage. It was burnt down in the 1970s (Wilshere, 1986, 6).
According to Wilshere, in 1965 the park had one bowling green, one hockey and four cricket pitches, one grass and one hard tennis court. In 1968 this provision had changed to six bowling rinks (the bowls pavilion had been extended in 1963), three cricket pitches, nine grass and four hard tennis courts. Wilshere further reports that by 1985 there were adventure playgrounds, large scale chess and draughts areas, and four bitumen tennis courts were floodlit as were two netball courts. (Wilshere, 1986, 6).
On 28 October 1982, after a request from the Leicester Group of the Victorian Society, the city council designated the park and the neighbouring streets Spinney Hill Conservation Area.
In its centenary year, 1986, new features were introduced by the council including a play area, picnic site, a new tea kiosk and probably the toilet block on the perimeter. The sports pavilion was renovated. The City Wildlife Project introduced nature areas including a woodland area with oak, field maple, and silver birch trees along East Park Road (an older row of Lombardy poplars had become dangerous and were felled). Alders and willows were also planted alongside the brook. In the north-east corner, adjacent to the brook, a pond was established with marginal plants and a meadow (Wilshere, 1986, 6). A wooden owl sculpture was installed. Centenary celebrations were held over the weekend of 23 and 24 August 1986. This consisted of a multi-cultural festival with a visit from the Lord Mayor, Councillor St John Phipps (Wilshere, 1986).
In 2002, after a request by the Leicester Group of the Victorian Society, the park lodge was listed Grade II.
In 2001 the city council planning committee controversially approved the building of a police station on flat land within the park boundary along East Park Road. After vociferous campaigning recorded in the local newspaper, The Leicester Mercury, and referral of the scheme to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, the size and location of the police station were altered. Although initially the council proposed to sell park land, it was eventually leased for the police station (Leicester Mercury, 2004, 4). The police station was opened in September 2005.
Between 2007 and 2009 the council consulted with park users and nearby inhabitants over a proposed £2 million bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to renovate the park.
- Associated People
- Features & Designations
Conservation Area
- Reference: Spinney Hill Park Conservation Area
The National Heritage List for England: Listed Building
- Reference: Lodge
- Grade: II
Site of Local Importance for Nature Conservation
- Reference: BES 58 and BES 59
- Bandstand
- Description: The bandstand is no longer extant.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Fountain
- Description: Polished pink and grey granite fountain. High Victorian gothic style. Now disused and damaged.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Refreshment Pavilion
- Description: Designed in the Domestic Revival style. In 1958, it was fenced off, owing to vandalism. It was burned down in the 1970s.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Structure
- Description: Bridge built of sandstone and granite. Engraved with the Corporation cinquefoil and wyvern motifs.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Bowling Green Pavilion
- Description: Brick and timber walls, and a pitched roof with gable end. Decorative Tudor-style half-timber work. (This replaced an earlier pavilion). Extended in 1963.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Building
- Description: Park shelter (no longer extant).
- Latest Date:
- Pavilion
- Description: Brick-built sports pavilion/changing rooms with sheltered seating areas at each side. In the late-20th century, the seating areas were bricked in.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Building
- Description: Three simple brick electricity sub-stations.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Sculpture
- Description: Wooden owl sculpture, located near the nature area and constructed from a tree trunk.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Building
- Description: Red and yellow brick police station with associated car park.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Lodge (featured building)
- Description: A small irregular dwelling in the Domestic Revival style with fenced garden. The steeply-pitched roof is clad with slate. There are tall red brick chimney stacks. The walls are of red brick with some tile hanging and casement windows. A catslide roof supported on turned timber posts shelters the porch. The English Heritage description states that this is 'a finely detailed and little altered lodge, the quality of the design reflecting Leicester's pride in the creation of this park.'
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Parkland
- Key Information
Principal Building
Parks, Gardens And Urban Spaces
Open to the public
Electoral Ward
Spinney Hills
- References
- Leicester City Council, {Management Plan for Spinney Hill Park} (Leicester: Leicester City Council, 2004) Management Plan for Spinney Hill Park
- Storey, J. {Historical Sketch of Some of the Principal Works and Undertakings of the County and Borough of Leicester} (Leicester: W H Lead, 1895) Historical Sketch of Some of the Principal Works and Undertakings of the County and Borough of Leicester
- Wilshere, J., {1886-1986: The History of Spinney Hill Park} (Leicester: Leicester Research Department of Chamberlain Music and Books, 1986) 1886-1986: The Centenary of Spinney Hill Park
- 'The New Park at Leicester', {Leicester Advertiser}, 24 August 1886 The New Park at Leicester
- 'The Spinney Hill Park', {The Leicester Daily Post}, 25 August 1886 The Spinney Hill Park
- 'The Spinney Hill Park, Formal Opening by the Mayor and Mayoress' {Supplement to the Leicester Chronicle and Leicester Mercury}, 28 August 1886 The Spinney Hill Park, Formal Opening by the Mayor and Mayoress
- 'Police station plan for city park given the go-ahead', {Leicester Mercury}, 3 February 2004, p. 4 Police station plan for city park given the go-ahead
- {Biodiversity in Leicester - Site Alert Map 2000} (Leicester City Council 2000) Biodiversity in Leicester - Site Alert Map 2000
- {Spinney Hill Conservation Area Character Statement} (Leicester City Council, 2002) Spinney Hill Conservation Area Character Statement
- Gill, Richard {The Book of Leicester} (Buckingham: Barracuda Books Ltd, 1985) The Book of Leicester
- 'Obituary for Stockdale Harrison' RIBA Journal, Volume 22, page 71
Rowan Roenisch
Leicestershire and Rutland Gardens Trust