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Historical Profiles


Contemporary Profiles

This section contains articles about people currently or recently involved with historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes in the United Kingdom. There are many different skills required for the various types of work connected with historic parks and gardens, and a number of professions that are directly associated.

Pgds 20140901 203634 Harewood House   Geograph Org Uk   252613

Garden History

Design has been important in the British landscape for centuries. Many people are familiar with the gardens of large country houses, but in fact designed landscapes have a very complex history dating from Roman times and incorporating influences from across the world.

Pgds 20140930 151728 Wilton House East Front 2   Geograph Org Uk   831871


In the resource area you will find additional supporting material for the articles, features and the educational resources that can be found throughout the website.The resources include additional images, maps, plans and also audio files of oral histories about life in and around the historic parks and gardens of the United Kingdom, in MP3 format.

Books and laptop
Hestercombe gardens

Site Research Recording Form

This Site Research Recording Form has been designed to enable the collection of information about a specific Park or Garden in the UK. The form…

Reel Mower

Lawnmower designers

The lawnmower has come a long way from the cumbersome machine that replaced the scythe, to the autonomous, computer-operated devices of today. Marilyn Elm celebrates…