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Henry Herbert

Henry Herbert, ninth earl of Pembroke and sixth earl of Montgomery, was the son of Thomas Herbert, eighth earl of Pembroke and fifth earl of Montgomery and his wife, Margaret. Herbert was the son of a famous antiquary and collector, and he shared these tastes but was most distinguished as an architect.

Herbert became famous for his stylistic developments of the English Palladian villa. Some of his most significant works included Castle Hill, Devon (1729), part of the design of Wimbledon House, Surrey (1730–33), Marble Hill, Twickenham, Middlesex (1724–9), and Westcombe House, Blackheath, Kent (1727–8). Characteristics of Herbert's English Palladian villas include horizontal and vertical proportions, restraint, pyramidal roofs and elaborate facades.

Pembroke had enjoyed robust health throughout his life, however in the winter of 1743, he developed breathing difficulties. He suffered with breathing problems for another seven years, until he died on 9 January 1750.

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