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Hugh Allan Pettigrew

Who was Hugh Pettigrew?

Hugh Pettigrew was born at Dumfries House, Ayrshire in 1871, second son of the Head Gardener, Andrew Pettigrew. He trained at Royal Gardens, Kew, 1892-3.

Life and Work

After a period working for Baron Rothschild on the continent (1893-97), he came back to work for Lord Plymouth as Head Gardener at Hewell Grange (1897), transferring to St Fagans Castle later in the same year. He was responsible for the Italian garden, Rosary garden and the Thyme garden. he became Head Gardener to the Earl of Plymouth at St Fagan's Castle to the west of Cardiff. The Castle is now the Welsh Folk Museum, part of the National Museum of Wales, and its gardens still reflect the work of Hugh Pettigrew.

Pettigrew married Alice Southwell Cardell in 1903, and they had a family of two daughters (Lorna Southwell in 1904 and Agnes Allan in 1909), and one son (Andrew Hugh in 1912).

Hugh retired from St Fagan's in 1935 and he and his wife Alice, went to live at Nice in the south of France, where he died in 1947.


Website: Cardiff Parks and the Pettigrew Family.

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