The estate at Dalquharran includes the ruins of the 15th-century castle and of the Robert Adam house of the late-18th century. It lies on the north bank of the Water of Girvan and there is still surviving woodland, although much reduced from the 18th and 19th centuries. There are currently plans to develop the site as a hotel with a golf course that incorporates the old ruined castle.
- Visitor Access, Directions & Contacts
0131 668 8600
- Associated People
- Features & Designations
Historic Environment Scotland Listed Building
- Reference: Dalquharran Castle (ruin)
- Grade: A
- House (featured building)
- Description: There are late 19th-century extensions by Wardrop and Reid.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Ruin
- Description: The ruins of the old Dalquharran Castle, built in the 15th century.
- Earliest Date:
- Latest Date:
- Key Information
Principal Building
Domestic / Residential
Part: standing remains
Electoral Ward
South Carrick
- References
- Peter McGowan Associates with Christopher Dingwall, 'Dalquharran (Castle)', in {Ayrshire Garden and Designed Landscape Survey} (Prestwick: South Ayrshire Council, 2007) [on CD-ROM] Ayrshire Garden and Designed Landscape Survey
- Millar, A. H., {The Castles and Mansions of Ayrshire with Historical and Descriptive Accounts} (Glasgow: Grimsay Press, 2004), pp. 68-9 The Castles and Mansions of Ayrshire with Historical and Descriptive Accounts
- Close, R. (ed), {Ayrshire and Arran: An Illustrated Architectural Guide} (Edinburgh: The Rutland Press, 1992), pp. 184-5 Ayrshire and Arran: An Illustrated Architectural Guide
- Sinclair, J. (ed), {[Old] Statistical Account of Scotland} ([n.p.]: [], 1971-9), Vol. 10, pp. 34-53 [Old] Statistical Account of Scotland 1791-1799
- Anderson, M. L., {A History of Scottish Forestry}, (London: Nelson, 1967), Vol. 1, p. 187 and p. 534 A History of Scottish Forestry
- {Ordnance Survey County Series Six Inch} (Southampton, 1854) Ordnance Survey County Series Six Inch
- Captain M. J. Armstrong and Son {A New Map of Ayrshire} (1775) A New Map of Ayrshire
- William Roy {Military Survey of Scotland} (1750) Military Survey of Scotland
- Joan Blaeu {Atlas Novus - South Carrick/North Carrick/Kyle/Cunninghame} (Amsterdam, 1654) Atlas Novus - South Carrick/North Carrick/Kyle/Cunninghame
- Coventry, M., {The Castles of Scotland} (Edinburgh: Goblinshead, 1997), p. 141 The Castles of Scotland