The Hestercombe Conservation Management Plan Archive has launched a nationwide search for additional Conservation Management Plans to house in its collection.
Are you the owner of a historic designed landscape or someone involved in the care, restoration or management of one?
Have you at any time commissioned or prepared a Conservation Management Plan in respect of the estate? It may have been called by a different name, for example an Historic Land Survey, a Survey of the Landscape, or a Parkland Management Plan. It will probably have been commissioned in connection with an application for a grant.
If so, do you still have a copy of that document, whether printed or digital?
If the answer is yes, you possess something of special value that deserves to be preserved for future generations as a record of the past and present of an estate, and a blueprint for its future.

Why protect Conservation Management Plans?
These plans are sadly all too vulnerable. Often they are lost or destroyed once they have served the purpose for which they were prepared. That represents the waste of the fruits of countless hours of research, (not to mention thousands of pounds of money, often public money).
The Hestercombe Conservation Management Plan Archive was established in 2015 to find, centralise, conserve and make available to professionals and academics as many as possible of the thousands of plans that have been prepared over the past quarter pf a century.
We have made a strong start with the generous support of all the leading landscape consultants in the UK. But we have a long way still to go, which is why we are appealing for your support.
If you have one or more of these priceless documents, hiding in a cupboard or gathering dust on a bookshelf, please let Hestercombe Conservation Management Plan Archive look after it, or take an electronic copy of it.
Although the Archive was established with the intention of making Plans available for reference or research, we will respect a donor’s wish to keep all or part of the Plan out of the public domain.
How to get in touch
You can contact the Hestercombe Conservation Management Plan Archivist by email: We would be so grateful for your help in saving this endangered species.