Head Gardener, Claire Greenslade, explains how Hestercombe is fighting ash dieback and trying to protect the future of our woodlands. In Claire's blog she explains how Hestercombe is trying to save the British ash tree.
What is Ash Dieback?
Ash dieback is a fungus that affects the tree's growth. It is thought to have been introduced to Europe from Asia around 30 years ago. Chinese ash, and other ash species native to Asia, seem to be unaffected, as they have had time to develop a defence. It is possible that over time our native ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior) might develop a way of regenerating too. However, currently it is estimated that Ash dieback will kill about 80% of ash trees in the UK.
For additional information or to report a sighting of Ash Dieback visit the Forest Research website.